Spanish Three Peaks

2 October
to 6 October

Our adventure takes us to the Sierra Nevada National Park, where we’ll trek to the summits of three of Spain’s highest peaks, Alcazaba, Veleta, and Mulhacén – the highest peak in mainland Spain!

Following our arrival in Lanjarón, we’ll enjoy dinner and a briefing on the adventure ahead, and after a good night’s sleep we’ll be ready to spend the next 3 days taking on Los Tres Picos! Alcazaba is first on our list and the toughest of the three, with a steep climb to the summit plateau at 3,371m after a trek through the lush green valley of Siete Lagunas. Next up is Veleta, with a rough and rocky path to the summit at 3,394m. Our final peak is Mulhacén, mainland Spain’s highest at 3,482m, offering unbeatable views of the Sierra Nevada mountain range from the summit!

Crossing the Sierra Nevada is going to be a tough challenge, but the view across Spain’s mainland from its highest peaks will provide all the motivation we need!

Organised through Global Adventures.

To book contact [email protected]