Parent Groups 2023

Well-being gardening and activities followed with a light lunch

The group will provide you with the opportunity to meet other parents who attend Once Upon a Smile and the opportunity to try some gardening activities which may help inspire and improve health and wellbeing through gardening and nature.

The two-hour morning activity will be taking place at RHS Bridgwater Gardens Salford, where the staff from the RHS Bridgewater will guide the group through various outdoor nature inspired wellbeing activities.  Including a range of seasonal activities within their wellbeing garden, which may include planting vegetables and flowers, weeding, watering, pruning, and harvesting fruits and vegetables. Whilst in the wellbeing garden you will be able to discover and use different aspects of the garden for relaxation, exploration, and grounding. There may also be the opportunity to explore the RHS gardens further taking a guided nature walk or taking part in some nature themed art activities. The activities each session will vary dependent on the weather and the season.

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